Danye's Unsolicited Opinion Podcast

More Than an Entertainment and Celebrity News Blog

Raw. Uncensored. Opinionated. 
The Voice YouTube Doesn't Want You To Hear

Danye started her commentary and opinion podcast on YouTube in 2015. At the time she only used the platform to vent about celebrity news. Then a friend posted a challenge for all her followers to post one video a day. Danye accepted! And she realized she enjoyed the process of creating content. She wasn't camera shy and unapologetically vocal.

The more content she added to her channel, the algorithm was sharing her content! Her channel started to grow and gain subscribers organically. Things were falling into place.

Fast forward, the Cardi B and Tasha K lawsuit hit the internet. Danye had already been covering topics about Tasha K under her "Teachable Moments" segment. Then something amazing happened, one of her videos about Cardi B and Tasha K went crazy! Gaining 15k views within days and hundreds of new Subscribers.

Her channel was monetized and things were looking up, until the dark side of YouTube showed up. Trolls, jaded content creators, and content thieves.

What was once fun, and a great outlet became annoying and draining. Once the channel became monetized Danye started to notice a decline in her content being shared in the algorithm and views began to drop. Deep research revealed her content was being shadow banned. Ultimately the channel had been bombarded with trolls and troll subs.

Danye noticed the unfair way YouTube censored creators. It became clear the platform rewarded drama, dysfunction and low hanging content. So, she removed herself from the monetization program, unlisted her videos and created a safe place for her and her like-minded family, friends and supporters.


Danye's Unsolicited Opinion Podcast
hosted on TooHotForYouTube.com publishes all the raw and uncensored content YouTube restricts and shadow bans. On this platform Danye can speak her mind without fear of copyright strikes, trolls, content bandits, language shaming and most importantly no topic censorship due to conflicts with YouTube's political affiliations and Ad Revenue partnerships. Are you ready for Grown and Mature commentary? 

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